Welcome to Dynamic Mindfulness.co.uk

Your Transformation Journey Starts Here

Hi my name is Stefan, I am a mindfulness based hypnotherapist. and if you want to reduce stress, remove anxiety, escape depression or finally resolve trauma you're in the right place

I'd like to invite you to book a free 20 minute phone consultation, to find out how mindful hypnotherapy will work for you. 

No pressure, no obligation, no financial cost. Simple, easy, painless

You have nothing to lose and much to gain, let's chat


 Stop Stress and Anxiety

In today's world we often face non-stop work pressure, social stress, anxiety, perhaps even traumatic emotional overwhelm affecting us on all levels of body and mind.

If you are looking for compassionate, expert therapy, I will help you get of the express train to your stressdination  through every twist and turn supporting you every step of your healing journey

It's time to move past unnecessary, unwanted and unhelpful thoughts, feelings and sensations

Are you ready to leave behind unwanted thoughts, anxiety & emotional overwhelm?

Do you want enjoy a more empowered life, a life worth celebrating?

Then I can help you.

Are you fed up of feeling down and emotionally tired ?

Then it is time to stop unwanted stress, anxiety, depression, reclaim your life. I will personally guide you, using mindfulness based hypnotherapy.

Mindfulness Based Hypnotherapy

Realistic, practical and fast. Mindful hypnotherapy, accepts and fits in with today's hurried, non-stop, impersonal world - and an outstanding therapeutic approach using the 3 R's of mindfulness based hypnotherapy

  • Rapid emotional control

  • Release stuck emotions

  • Restoring balance and purpose

Mindful emotion based hypnotherapy reduces stress, anxiety, overwhelm and trauma no matter the circumstances

It's time to start, make unwanted feelings, emotional overwhelm and mind fog a thing of the past and experience holistic healing at all levels of your body and mind.

You will start to feel better from your first session, and you will learn how to manage your emotions, feelings  and moods for the rest of your life. Essentially putting you back in control of your life.


"Make large changes with small mindful steps

Mindfulness based hypnotherapy helps you feel well, be well, live well

Mindfully Simple, Easy and Painless"

                                      Stefan Jarrett


Let's cut through the haze

We do have the strength within us to be free of unwanted stress, anxious feelings and traumatic experences both physical and emotional.  It's just that an expert is needed to get you out of that dark hole and through that fog covered maze to a golden path of recovery and continued growth.


Develop a T.E.A.M plan

Imagine how different your life could be, if together we develop a team plan, a mindful hynotherapeutic process that makes positive change a certainty.

Would it mean a lot to you, to escape emotional discomfort and feel better?

I'm sure you want your life to feel more alive, energised and purposeful, is that right?

Discover how you will feel stronger, happier and better with a phone call. 

Your decision to call or email me, to get rid of unwelcome thoughts, feelings or emotions may feel a bit uncomfortable.  However you have already taken the first and hardest step when you decided to visit this website.

And you can feel safe taking the next step just send a text or message to

07592 126659

Simply state your name and challenge. I will reply within a working day to arrange a no obligation phone consultation and see if mindfulness based hypnotherapy is the right choice to help you

You are just a step away from achieving your goal.

Speak soon, Stefan

What's next ?

Take that next step forward, contact Stefan today.

Why today? Because now is your time, choose to start your journey.

You deserve to live a life that is both fulfilling and emotionally balanced

How do you do this ?

Just by choosing this website and reaching out now, you are moving towards the better life you desire

So, you are just one free, mindful "team" call away from starting your journey, no obligations and no personal cost.

Client Testimonials

These testimonials reflect the  experiences and positive outcomes clients have achieved both online and in person

Member of International Association of Therapists